James Fitzgerald Therapy, PLLC

James Fitzgerald, MS, NCC, AAP, Psychotherapist

Strengthening Your Conscious Self © 2022


Please do not complete this form unless you have been asked to by your therapist. Most of the information can be gathered during the first few sessions. There are times however, when this questionnaire can be useful or helpful.


Client Intake: Assessments

Biopsychosocial Assessment Questionnaire


Your login ID for this website client portal

Presenting Problems

Selected Value: 0
Thoughts that include a wish to not live anymore with intent and plan.
Including tragic or catastrophic events, and the cumulative effects of traumatic experiences
For people with ovaries, leave blank if you don't have a uterus or ovaries.
Are you engaging in unsafe sex, using IV drugs?

Tobacco/Nicotine Use

As new methods of administration (ie, vapors, inhalers, gum, edibles, lozenges) are created, we have had to update this segment.
Cigarettes, Cigars, Snuff, Chewing Tobacco, Pipes, Vapes/Pens, Inhalers

Substance Use and/or Addiction (Present)

The questions in this section refer to the past 30 days.
i.e., food, gambling, sex, video games, social media, pornography, or shopping?
i.e., Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Sex Addicts Anonymous. Out of respect for the 12 step tradition of anonymity, you do not have to answer this question, especially if you are a member of said group.

Substance Use and/or Addiction (History)

The questions in this section refer to any point in the recent past (months) or history (years).

Family of Origin, Personal Relationships

You do not have to provide real names, you can use initials or nicknames for clarification
Are (were) your parents married? Are your parents still alive? What was their relationship like?
How many siblings? What was your birth order? What were your relationships like?
Grandparents? Aunts and Uncles? Cousins? What were your relationships like?
Check all that apply
Check all that apply
Check all that apply
Check all that apply
(Superiors, Coworkers, Customers, Vendors, Neighbors)

Family Health History

Is there a history in your family for any of the following diseases or illness? Names or relation to individuals are not required, just the health issues


(Certificate, Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's, Doctorate, Medical)

Legal Issues

Have you ever been arrested? Have you ever been charged and sentenced? Have you been incarcerated? How long? Have you ever been on probation, parole, pre-trial release?

Work History

Medical History & Information

* Optional (I can gather this information during sessions, however, it may be more convenient to fill out this form). We can discuss the answers in sessions.
(i.e., Clinical Social Worker, Psychologist, Clinical Mental Health Counselor, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselor, Professional Counselor, or Psychotherapist)

Personal Information

Gender identity, expression, pronouns
Pan, Bi, Hetero, Homo, etc.
Selected Value: 0
0 being the worst, not doing anything at all to address or prevent health concerns, and 10 being the best, doing everything possible to address or prevent health issues or medical problems.
(Hobbies, Recreational, Interests, Entertainment, Etc.)