James Fitzgerald Therapy, PLLC

Seeking Safety Treatment Program (Lisa M. Najavitz)

Session Format


1. Check-In

To find out how you are doing. You can report on five questions. Since the last session

(a) “How are you feeling?”

(b) “What helpful coping skills have you used?”

(c) “Have you consumed any mind/mood altering substances or engaged in other unsafe behavior?”

(d) “Did you complete your commitment?”

(e) Can you provide a community resource update? (5 minutes).

2. The Quotation

To help emotionally engage you in the session. I invite you to read the quotation out loud. I will inquire, “What do you think the main point of the quote is?”, and connect it to the session topic (2 minutes).


3. We will relate the topic to your life.

To connect the topic meaningfully to your experience. This is the heart of the session, we will discuss specific and current examples from your life and practice intensive rehearsal of the material (30–40 minutes).


A. You will be asked to look through the handouts (up to 5 minutes).

B. We will relate the material to current and specific problems in your life.

See: The Safe Coping Sheet


4. Check-Out

To reinforce your progress you will be asked to provide me with feedback. You will be asked three questions:

(a) “Name one thing you got out of today’s session (and any problems with the session)”

(b) “What is your new commitment?”

(c) What Community Resource will you call? (up to 5 minutes).

See: End-of-Session Questionnaire

Reminder: The “Big Picture” Priorities Are To . . .
1. Eliminate substance use
2. Reduce PTSD symptoms
3. Increase safety (from HIV risk, domestic violence, self-harm, etc.)

Adapted From:

Seeking Safety by Lisa M. Najavits (2002). Copyright by The Guilford Press. Permission to use this content is granted to purchasers of the book for personal use only with clients or patients (see copyright page for details).